Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Something unrelated....

Ok so it's not part of my 500pt list but inbetween painting parts of the Jetbikes and watching the latest episode of Dexter I painted up this little guy!
I've been reading a few of the Black Library Eldar books recently, particularly the Path of the Seer and Path of the Outcast and they mention White Seers.
White Seers are powerful Farseer's who are basically a bridge between the Craftworlds and the Black Library and are charged with collecting knowledge of Chaos.
I loved the idea of this and decided to paint up an old Farseer model to represent one.

My White Seer:


  1. nice!

    Also are them books any good? I was looking at picking all 3(?) up

  2. I absolutely loved Path of the seer, just finished Path of the outcast which was great and just about to start Path of the warrior.
    They pretty much tell the same story but from the view of 3 friends who take very different paths, it's pretty clever.
    I'd definitely suggest reading them though, not huge books either so not a tough read.

  3. okay, might pick the first one up at some point :)

    1. I can lend you The Path of the Seer if you want?

  4. yer okay, that would be awesome :D
